Contact me or Donate

CineMalin: Film Commentary is an independent online publication that seeks to bring a new generation of critical eyes to filmmaking. Neither a blog nor a Murdoch-owned newspaper, CMFC works directly with filmmakers, producers, writers, and behind-the-screen talent to establish new precedents for online journalism. As such, our business model is easily broken down, our deadlines can become easily disestablished for more opportunities, and our cashflow can be limited.

At CineMalin, every cent you help to donate goes towards furthering perspectives on movies from cinephiles and everyday moviegoers alike. Similarly, each cent is appreciated and rewarded with (basically, give or take the sun’s final burnout) everlasting love. We thank you, and more specifically, I, Sean Malin, thank you for your attention and contributions. Any questions or queries as to where donations go can be sent to my site e-mail or comment page. Many thanks again – SM.

One response on “Contact me or Donate

  1. No donation spot?! WHY NOT!? Something weird is going on…

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